Name: Bukhansan Dulle-gil.apk
ID: com.jiplus.bukhanmnt.dulegil
Version: 3.0.3
Size: 51 Mb
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How to install Bukhansan Dulle-gil apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Bukhansan Dulle-gil Description
As a rare natural park within a city, Bukhansan Mountain was designated as the 15th National Park in Korea to preserve the beautiful natural and cultural heritage of the area and to offer pleasant services to visitors.With an area of 79.789㎢, the park stretches over Seoul Metropolitan City and Gyeonggi Province. Bukhansan National Park is divided into two areas: centering on Wuyiryeong, Bukhansan Mountain area to the south and Dobongsan Mountain area to the north.
The whole park is an ecologically isolated island surrounded by the city, and successfully performs as a ‘green lung’. Twenty million people from the capital and surrounding regions love to visit and rest here. With approximately six million visitors per year (2010), Bukhansan National Park is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most popular national park per unit area.
To protect the upper mountain areas where important natural resources are distributed, Bukhansan Dulegil serves to guide and disperse visitors to lower areas. To afford convenience to children, seniors and disabled people, Bukhansan National Park promotes itself with the goal ‘To create natural and comfortable trails where both history and culture and nature and humans coexist”.
Furthermore, to provide infrastructure to meet the needs of a wide variety of visitors, the national park office has installed smartphone applications for some sections of Dulegil.
The contents are available at the official website of Korea National Park Organization ( and Bukhansan Dulegil (
-.Service language: Korean, English
-.Service area: 21 courses of Bukhansan Dulegil
-.Service contents: General information including map, story-telling contents, augmented reality and side roads information
-.Service guide: For more information, please refer to the application ‘How To Use’.
-.Planning: Korea National Park Organization
-.Progress: Korea Tourism Organization
-.Production: Just Idea Ltd.
What's new in Bukhansan Dulle-gil 3.0.3
[수정사항]1. 서울둘레길, 고양누리길 항목 추가
2. 정부 3.0 로고 추가
3. 해상도 수정 및 Bugfix
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